Equipment — 2H Weapon — Staff — Play Cost: 3
Class Restriction:
At the start of your turn, remove the top card of your deck from the game.
→ For each ally removed this way, put a 1
/ 1
Raven Spirit ally token into play. For each ability removed this way, your hero heals 1 damage from target hero or ally. For each equipment removed this way, your hero deals 1 arcane damage to each opposing hero.
12, Destroy Atiesh → You may play any number of cards removed this way without paying their costs.
Atiesh’s first payment power requires a target to activate, even if no abilities have been removed from the game with its power. If that target is illegal when the link resolves, it is interrupted by the game and nothing happens. It creates one packet of healing and one packet of damage regardless of the number of each card type removed from the game, so modifiers that increase or decrease damage or healing will only apply once for each time this power is activated.
When resolving the second payment power, cards are added to the chain one at a time, ignoring timing restrictions, but following all other applicable rules for adding links. Quests and locations can’t be played. The player who activated the power chooses the order those cards are added to the chain. Since this happens while a link is resolving, no player will have priority to take an action until after all such cards have been added to the chain. Each card will resolve separately after all such links have been added, beginning with the card that was added last, following normal timing rules for the resolution of links.
The legendary staff of Medivh, Guardian of Tirisfal.
Art by: Gonzalo Ordonez
Tournament Legality: