Dwarf Warrior
— Play Cost: 6
When Kurdran enters play, put a 0 / 1
Egg ally token into play.
At the start of your turn, target Egg ally you control becomes a 6 / 6
Gryphon Beast Monster ally named Sky'ree with Sky'ree (1).
You may target any Egg ally with Thane Kurdran’s triggered powers, including Egg allies put into play by other cards.
The modifier setting that ally’s ATK and Health will apply after all other modifiers with earlier timestamps except modifiers that double those values, and will apply before all other modifiers with later timestamps.
You must choose a target for the trigger, even if you already control an ally with Sky’ree (1).
Kurdran and his loyal gryphon Sky'ree accompanied Danath Trollbane and other Alliance heroes to seal the Dark Portal on Draenor.
Art by: William O'Connor
Tournament Legality: