War Stomp
Boat to Booty Bay

Boat to Booty Bay

Ability — Play Cost: 4

Ongoing: Activate → Remove an ally in your party from the game. Use only on your turn.

Activate, Destroy Boat to Booty Bay → Put all ally cards removed by Boat to Booty Bay into play under your control. Use only on your turn.

Ally cards return to play ready and undamaged. If you destroy this card to use its power, it returns all ally cards that were removed by the card you destroyed and only that card. If you remove an ally in your party with Boat to Booty Bay, and then that Boat leaves and reenters play, that ally card can’t be returned because it was removed by a different card.

If you get into trouble, Booty Bay is a great place to lie low.

Art by: Peter Lee

Tournament Legality:

  • Legal in Classic
Through the Dark Portal (138-E)