Foam Sword Rack

Foam Sword Rack

Ability — Play Cost: 4

Ongoing: Each hero has "1 → This hero deals ½ melee damage to target hero."

This card has received errata. The text above updates the printed text and clarifies which hero deals this damage, and that this damage isn’t dealt “with an ability.”

This is the only way that a fractional amount of damage can be dealt. You can't divide integer amounts of damage into fractional amounts. A character with ½ damage is “damaged.” However, modifiers that do something “for each damage” on a character, or “for each damage” dealt, healed, or prevented a certain way ignore fractions. For example, an ally with Berserking and 1½ damage has only +1 ATK while attacking.

Play nice.

Art by: Matt Cavotta

Tournament Legality:

  • Legal in Classic

This card is also available in Loot quality.

Blood of Gladiators (92-R)