Thrall, Guardian of the Elements

Thrall, Guardian of the Elements

Ally — Nature damage 6/6 Orc Shaman — Play Cost: 8

You pay 8 less to play this ally if you control each of the following: Fire Damage card, Frost Damage card, Melee Damage card, and Nature Damage card.

Other abilities, allies and equipment you control can't be destroyed.

Other allies you control can still be damaged, and will accumulate any damage dealt to or put on on them. Damage can’t be put on a character in excess of its health. Destruction “by the game” (such as uniqueness violations) can’t be stopped.

"You will die this day, Earthwarder!"

Art by: Wie Chen

Tournament Legality:

  • Legal in Contemporary
  • Legal in Classic
Twilight of the Dragons (177-E)