Master Hero
0/40 Red Dragonkin Aspect
— Play Cost: 25
You pay x less to play Alexstrasza, where X is the combined ATK of allies you control.
Assault 5
Allies you control can't be destroyed.
Allies you control can still be damaged, and will accumulate any damage dealt to or put on on them. Damage can’t be put on a character in excess of its health. Destruction “by the game” (such as uniqueness violations) can’t be stopped.
Master heroes start the game in a deck. A deck can include a Master hero with a certain name only if it contains no Master heroes with any other name. A Master hero enters a party face up with the same attachments, counters, damage, and ready/exhausted state as that party’s previous hero, and then that previous hero is removed from the game. A Master hero can’t be flipped or turned face down. Any links targeting that previous hero now target the Master hero, and any modifiers to that previous hero now apply to the Master hero within their durations.
"Life is my Aspect, dark one, and I, like all mothers, know both the pain and wonder that entails!"
Art by: Raymond Swanland
Tournament Legality: