Format: Core (Year 6 & 7)
Deck played by: Jim Fleckenstein
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Nexus-Thief Asar Uncommon
Ally (33)
3x Commander Ulthok Epic
4x Doom Commander Zaakuul Epic
4x Edwin VanCleef Epic
3x Harpy Matriarch Common
4x Keeper Balos Common
4x Pygmy Firebreather Common
4x Pygmy Pyramid Epic
4x Shade of Aran Rare
3x Vanessa VanCleef Rare
Ability (16)
2x Helplessness Rare
3x Legacy of Betrayal Epic
3x Poison Bomb Rare
4x Poison the Well Uncommon
4x Prey on the Weak Common
Equipment (3)
3x Bottled Spite Common
Quest (8)
4x Escape from Durnholde Common
4x Seeds of Their Demise Common