Format: Core (Year 6 & 7)
Deck played by: Erik Luke
Place: Top 8
This deck is no longer valid for tournament play because it contains one or more banned cards, marked below.
Hero (1)
1x Grglmrgl Banned Uncommon
Ally (37)
1x Archimonde, Hand of Sargeras Epic
4x Blackfang Tarantula Common
4x Child of Agamaggan Common
3x Commander Ulthok Epic
3x Doom Commander Zaakuul Epic
4x Gilblin Deathscrounger Rare
3x Harpy Matriarch Common
3x Moroes Rare
3x Pygmy Firebreather Common
4x Pygmy Pyramid Epic
2x Shade of Aran Rare
3x Yertle Rare
Ability (11)
4x Concussive Barrage Rare
2x Legacy of the Legion Epic
3x Obliterating Trap Uncommon
2x Piercing Shots Rare
Equipment (3)
3x Bottled Spite Common
Location (3)
3x Shadowfang Keep Rare
Quest (7)
4x If You're Not Against Us ... Common
3x Wake of Destruction Uncommon