Format: Core (Year 6 & 7)
Deck played by: Gary Boyer
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Mogdar the Frozenheart Uncommon
Ally (10)
3x Blackfang Tarantula Common
2x Commander Ulthok Epic
1x Gilblin Plunderer Uncommon
4x Harbinger Sefu Rare
Ability (11)
4x Despair of Winter Rare
4x Elemental Purge Uncommon
3x Primal Strike Common
Equipment (32)
3x Blackout Truncheon Rare
3x Bottled Spite Common
4x Breastplate of the Queen's Guard Uncommon
4x Gravitational Pull Rare
4x Greaves of the Martyr Uncommon
4x Maimgor's Bite Rare
4x Mantle of Abrahmis Rare
2x Rock Furrow Boots Epic
4x Smite's Reaver Rare
Quest (8)
3x Escape from Durnholde Common
2x Medivh's Journal Common
3x Seeds of Their Demise Common