Format: Classic
Deck played by: Zeljko Jankovic
Place: 1st
Hero (1)
1x Zaritha Uncommon
Master Hero (2)
2x Highlord Tirion Fordring Epic
Ally (20)
3x Adam Eternum Rare
1x Collidus the Warp-Watcher Epic
1x Crusade Commander Entari Rare
3x Crusade Engineer Spitzpatrick Common
1x Jaina, Lady of Theramore Epic
2x King Varian Wrynn Epic
1x Malfurion Stormrage Epic
4x Mikael the Blunt Uncommon
1x Pappy Ironbane Uncommon
1x Savage Raptor Epic
1x Scrapper" Ironbane Common
1x Weldon Barov Epic
Ability (18)
4x Ancestral Awakening Rare
4x Squall Totem Rare
3x Tuskarr Kite Uncommon
3x Wavestorm Totem Common
4x Wind Shear Rare
Equipment (7)
2x Band of the Inevitable Rare
2x Calamity's Grasp Rare
3x Voice of Reason Rare
Location (4)
4x Eye of the Storm Common
Quest (10)
4x A Question of Gluttony Common
2x Darkness Calling Common
2x The Overseer's Shadow Common
2x The Torch of Retribution Common
Sideboard (10)
1x Akama Epic
1x Al'Akir the Windlord Epic
1x Band of the Inevitable Rare
2x Chain Purge Uncommon
1x Eitrigg Epic
1x Marundal the Kindred Rare
1x Mass Purge Common
1x Soridormi Rare
1x Tidus the Relentless Rare