Format: Contemporary
Deck played by: Brian Veil
Place: Top 16 of 130 participants
Hero (1)
1x Sana the Black Blade Uncommon
Ally (32)
2x Aggra Rare
2x Benedictus, the Twilight Father Epic
4x Edwin VanCleef Epic
3x Faenis the Tranquil Rare
2x General Husam Epic
3x Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest Epic
4x Magni, the Mountain King Epic
2x Marundal the Kindred Rare
3x Nalisa Nightbreeze Uncommon
4x Nasala Silvertree Rare
3x Vanessa VanCleef Rare
Ability (22)
3x Carnage Uncommon
3x Devious Dismantle Uncommon
4x Distraction Technique Uncommon
4x Legacy of Betrayal Epic
4x Poison the Well Uncommon
4x Prey on the Weak Common
Equipment (2)
2x Riftmaker Rare
Location (4)
4x Shadowfang Keep Rare