Format: Core (Year 6 & 7)
Deck played by: Ivan Stehlicek
Place: Top 4
Hero (1)
1x Drazul the Molten Uncommon
Ally (33)
4x Baxtan, Herald of the Flame Uncommon
4x Daedak the Graveborne Rare
4x Edwin VanCleef Epic
4x Gilblin Deathscrounger Rare
4x Jadefire Scout Common
4x Mazu'kon Epic
3x Pythisss, Herald of Frost Uncommon
3x Vanessa VanCleef Rare
3x Watsun, Timewalker Lightshield Rare
Ability (23)
4x Flame Lance Common
4x Glacial Tomb Common
4x Ice Barrier Rare
4x Monstrous Frostbolt Volley Rare
3x Overload Uncommon
4x Rime and Freezin' Rare
Equipment (2)
2x Miniature Voodoo Mask Rare
Location (4)
4x Shadowfang Keep Rare