Format: Core (Year 6 & 7)
Deck played by: Wojciech Wójcik
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Archimonde the Defiler Uncommon
Ally (26)
1x Archimonde, Hand of Sargeras Epic
3x Bazul, Herald of the Fel Uncommon
4x Blackfang Tarantula Common
3x Commander Ulthok Epic
3x Doom Commander Zaakuul Epic
4x Pygmy Firebreather Common
4x Pygmy Pyramid Epic
3x Thoglos Uncommon
1x Vylokx Rare
Ability (24)
3x Banish Soul Uncommon
4x Boundless Hellfire Rare
4x Legacy of Betrayal Epic
4x Life Tap Uncommon
3x Nightfall Rare
3x Shroud of the Nethermancer Rare
3x Soul Trap Uncommon
Equipment (4)
4x Bottled Spite Common
Location (3)
3x Shadowfang Keep Rare
Quest (3)
3x Signed in Blood Common