Format: Core (Year 6 & 7)
Deck played by: Dominic Schäffer
Place: Top 8 of 42 participants
Hero (1)
1x Huln Highmountain Uncommon
Ally (34)
3x Archimonde, Hand of Sargeras Epic
4x Daedak the Graveborne Rare
3x Gnash Rare
4x Hemet Nesingwary Epic
3x Jex'ali Common
2x Lor'themar Theron, Regent Lord Epic
3x Mazu'kon Epic
1x Mothra Common
2x Prince Malchezaar Epic
2x Vol'jin, Darkspear Chieftain Epic
3x Yertle Rare
4x Zip Uncommon
Ability (16)
4x Concussive Barrage Rare
2x Legacy of the Legion Epic
4x Obliterating Trap Uncommon
2x Piercing Shots Rare
4x Quick Trap Uncommon
Equipment (4)
4x Breathstone-Infused Longbow Uncommon
Quest (6)
2x Escape from Durnholde Common
4x Seeds of Their Demise Common