Format: Block
Deck played by: Jason Meatte
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Huntsman Gorwal Uncommon
Ally (34)
3x Aileen the Thunderblessed Rare
4x Boomer Rare
2x Garet Vice Common
3x Loque Rare
2x Loriam Argos Common
4x Magni, the Mountain King Epic
3x Rolan Phoenix Rare
3x Rufus Claybourne Rare
3x Terina Calin Common
4x Tesla Common
3x Windspeaker Nuvu Common
Ability (11)
4x Aspect of the Wild Rare
4x Avatar of the Wild Epic
3x Cobra Shot Rare
Equipment (4)
4x Charmed Ancient Bone Bow Rare
Location (4)
4x Gilneas Rare
Quest (7)
4x Corrosion Prevention Common
3x Leader of the Pack Rare