Format: Core (Year 6 & 7)
Deck played by: Keith Spies
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Lady Sira'kess Uncommon
Ally (31)
4x Ahune the Frost Lord Rare
2x Child of Agamaggan Common
2x Commander Ulthok Epic
4x Gilblin Deathscrounger Rare
3x Gilblin Plunderer Uncommon
3x Harpy Matriarch Common
3x Moroes Rare
3x Pythisss, Herald of Frost Uncommon
4x Revenant of Neptulon Uncommon
3x Servant of Neptulon Common
Ability (24)
4x Frost Blast Uncommon
3x Frost Stasis Rare
4x Glacial Tomb Common
4x Ice Barrier Rare
2x Ice Lance Common
3x Manaflow Rare
4x Monstrous Frostbolt Volley Rare
Equipment (3)
3x Cerith Spire Staff Rare
Quest (4)
4x Taretha's Diversion Common