Format: Contemporary
Deck played by: Eric Buckendorf
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Suncaller Haruh Uncommon
Ally (36)
3x Amani Dragonhawk Epic
3x Archimonde, Hand of Sargeras Epic
4x Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen Epic
3x Daedak the Graveborne Rare
4x Edwin VanCleef Epic
4x Gnash Rare
4x Jex'ali Common
4x Mazu'kon Epic
4x Parexia, Herald of the Shadows Uncommon
3x Vanessa VanCleef Rare
Ability (8)
4x Power Word: Barrier Rare
4x Shadow Word: Death Common
Equipment (8)
4x Devout Aurastone Hammer Rare
4x Discerning Eye of the Beast Uncommon
Location (3)
3x Shadowfang Keep Rare
Quest (5)
1x Escape from Durnholde Common
4x Seeds of Their Demise Common