Format: Block
Deck played by: David Chen
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Jasmia, Nature's Chosen Uncommon
Ally (34)
4x Bronze Drake Common
3x Bronze Warden Common
3x Garet Vice Common
3x Haratha Hammerflame Common
4x Jarrod Gravon Uncommon
3x King Genn Greymane Epic
4x Magni, the Mountain King Epic
4x Nathar Wilderson Common
2x Obsidian Drudge Common
4x Windspeaker Nuvu Common
Ability (18)
4x Avatar of the Wild Epic
3x Energize Common
3x Entangling Roots Common
4x Gift of the Earthmother Rare
4x Mark of the Untamed Uncommon
Quest (9)
4x Challenge to the Black Flight Common
1x Cleansing Witch Hill Common
4x The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror Common