61 cards

# Card name Type Rarity
1x Kamu of Thunder Bluff Hero Uncommon
1x Brutal Bear Form Ability Uncommon
1x Celestial Moonfire Ability Rare
1x Earth and Moon Ability Rare
2x Earth Mother's Blessing Ability Common
2x Entangling Roots Ability Common
2x Mark of the Wild Ability Common
2x Natural Selection Ability Common
1x Rebirth Ability Uncommon
1x Starfire Ability Rare
2x Tears of Aessina Ability Common
3x Wrath Ability Common
2x Besora Galefeather Ally Common
2x Burom Bladeseer Ally Common
2x Forager Cloudbloom Ally Uncommon
2x Ka'tali Stonetusk Ally Common
2x Kirga Earthguard Ally Common
2x Kistix Shockvat Ally Common
2x Nikka Blastbor Ally Common
2x Oruk Starstorm Ally Common
1x Vala Carville Ally Common
2x Valytha Colton Ally Common
1x Vanda Skydaughter Ally Common
2x Voss Treebender Ally Common
2x Yazli Earthspark Ally Common
1x Hersir's Greatspear Equipment Uncommon
3x A Bird in Hand Quest Common
1x Blueleaf Tubers Quest Common
3x Entrenched Quest Common
4x The Essence of Enmity Quest Common
4x The Key to Freedom Quest Common
2x Mystery Goo Quest Common