Format: Block
Deck played by: Roger Brunson
Place: Top 8
Hero (1)
1x Yuna Sunridge Uncommon
Ally (31)
4x Bronze Guardian Common
4x Bronze Warden Common
1x Caelestrasz Rare
4x Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen Epic
4x Emerald Tree Warder Common
2x Korialstrasz Rare
1x Malfurion Stormrage Epic
1x Nefarian Rare
3x Obsidian Drudge Common
4x Sava'gin the Reckless Rare
3x Timriv the Enforcer Uncommon
Ability (13)
4x Divine Fury Rare
2x Expel Common
4x Oppress Common
1x Power Word: Absorb Common
1x Spiritual Harmony Common
1x Twist of Faith Rare
Equipment (4)
4x Robe of the Waking Nightmare Uncommon
Location (4)
4x Twilight Citadel Rare
Quest (8)
2x Blackout Uncommon
2x Challenge to the Black Flight Common
4x The Ichor of Undeath Uncommon