Format: Block
Deck played by: Wiliam Zobac
Place: Top 4
Hero (1)
1x Zin'sul Uncommon
Ally (28)
2x Al'Akir the Windlord Epic
4x Bound Vortex Uncommon
4x Bronze Guardian Common
4x Bronze Warden Common
4x Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen Epic
3x Gargoyle Rare
3x Obsidian Drakonid Common
4x Obsidian Drudge Common
Ability (13)
4x Death Strike Uncommon
4x Frozen Core Common
3x Grip of the Damned Common
2x Sanguine Presence Rare
Equipment (11)
4x Etched Dragonbone Girdle Uncommon
3x Polished Breastplate of Valor Rare
4x Scimitar of the Sirocco Epic
Location (4)
4x Twilight Citadel Rare
Quest (4)
4x Challenge to the Black Flight Common